Trauner Consulting Services, Inc.

In the construction business, every action you take can have enormous consequences. Failing to act can be worse. Make sure every step you take is on firm ground.

TRAUNER CONSULTING SERVICES provides the extra measure of guidance needed to act with confidence. We work daily on multi-million-dollar construction projects in virtually every market sector. From construction claims analysis to CPM scheduling, from drafting initial contract language to providing expert testimony, TRAUNER’s done it all. It’s given us an invaluable perspective on when, how, and why problems arise—and the unparalleled expertise to guide our clients to success.

Guidance up front. Call it street smarts. Our breadth and depth of experience enables us to recognize red flags immediately—so you can avoid or resolve disagreements before they escalate into expensive and bitter disputes.

Dogged detective work. When a project does derail, TRAUNER can determine precisely how it got off track. We methodically dig through the details of a project, identifying the source of an issue, its effect on the parties, and its credible resolution without assumptions or bias.

Impartial expertise. You can trust in what we say. We drill down to the truth—good, bad, or otherwise—and effectively communicate those findings. We bring the skills that resolve issues and let you get back to business.

That’s why owners, builders, sureties, and the attorneys that represent them turn to TRAUNER again and again. TRAUNER CONSULTING SERVICES. We build success.



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